We only accept credit card payment of the policyholder.
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Other FAQs about“Online Application“
How is ZA Insure different from a traditional insurance company?Can I apply for ZA Insure's policy if I am not a Hong Kong resident?What documents do I need to prepare to complete the whole application process?Am I required to undergo medical examination when purchasing an insurance policy at ZA Insure?How do I know if my purchase is successful or not?What if I find the insurance policy not suitable for me after purchase?What is policy replacement?How do I know which insurance product is suitable for me?What would be the impact if the policyholder had incorrectly disclosed the insured's medical history or health information on the application?I am a US citizen. Can I apply for this product?Where can I locate the product information, and the product leaflet or Policy Provision?How to obtain a premium quotation?What is the definition of Cancer?What is “Carcinoma-in-situ” or “CIS”?What is the meaning of “Early Stage Cancer”?What is the definition of Heart Attack?What is the definition of Stroke?How to define Hospital Confinement?What is Designated Hospital?Why did my application got cancelled?Contact ZA
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